

Rule category


What it does

Prevents usage of createRef() in function components.

Why is this bad?

createRef() is a legacy API that is not recommended for use in new code. Instead, prefer using useRef() with function components.



import React, { function createRef<T>(): RefObject<T>createRef } from "react";
function function Example(): React.JSX.ElementExample() {
  const const ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>ref = React.function React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>(): React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
  //          - 'createRef' is not allowed in function components. Use 'useRef' instead.
  return <JSX.IntrinsicElements.div: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>div React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>.ref?: React.LegacyRef<HTMLDivElement> | undefined
Allows getting a ref to the component instance. Once the component unmounts, React will set `ref.current` to `null` (or call the ref with `null` if you passed a callback ref).
@see{@link React Docs}
={const ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>ref} />;


import React, { function useRef<T>(initialValue: T): MutableRefObject<T> (+2 overloads)
`useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component. Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
} from "react";
function function Example(): React.JSX.ElementExample() { const const ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(initialValue: HTMLDivElement | null): React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement> (+2 overloads)
`useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component. Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes. Usage note: if you need the result of useRef to be directly mutable, include `| null` in the type of the generic argument.
return <JSX.IntrinsicElements.div: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>div React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>.ref?: React.LegacyRef<HTMLDivElement> | undefined
Allows getting a ref to the component instance. Once the component unmounts, React will set `ref.current` to `null` (or call the ref with `null` if you passed a callback ref).
@see{@link React Docs}
={const ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>ref} />;
import React, { function createRef<T>(): RefObject<T>createRef } from "react";
class class ExampleExample extends React.class React.Component<P = {}, S = {}, SS = any>Component {
  Example.inputRef: React.RefObject<unknown>inputRef = createRef<unknown>(): React.RefObject<unknown>createRef();
  // ...

Further Reading