
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of eslint-react?

The purpose of eslint-react is to provide ESLint plugins for not just for React DOM but also other libraries and frameworks that use React as a UI runtime. Currently, it provides:

  • eslint-plugin-react-x - Core rules (DOM Irrelevant, Render Target Agnostic, Formatting Independent).
  • eslint-plugin-react-dom - DOM specific rules for React DOM.
  • eslint-plugin-react-debug - Debugging rules.
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks-extra - Extra React Hooks rules.
  • eslint-plugin-react-naming-convention - Naming convention rules.

What are the differences between eslint-plugin-react-x and eslint-plugin-react?

The main difference is that eslint-plugin-react-x can be used with any render target library or framework, while eslint-plugin-react will always assume that you are using React DOM, even if you are working on a project that only uses React Three Fiber (you can learn more about this through encounters like 1 and 2 ).

Is eslint-plugin-react-x a replacement for eslint-plugin-react?

No, eslint-plugin-react-x is not a drop-in replacement for eslint-plugin-react. But you can still use it as a replacement if you wish. Keep in mind that some rules may behave differently, and that the rules provided by eslint-react are more in line with This is because eslint-plugin-react-x will consider instead of eslint-plugin-react as the source of truth.