

Rule category


What it does

Disallows passing of children as props.

Why is this bad?

Most of the time, children should be actual children, not passed in as a prop.

When using JSX, the children should be nested between the opening and closing tags. When not using JSX, the children should be passed as additional arguments to React.createElement.



import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.children: React.ReactNodechildren: React.type React.ReactNode = string | number | boolean | React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>> | Iterable<React.ReactNode> | React.ReactPortal | null | undefined
Represents all of the things React can render. Where {@link ReactElement } only represents JSX, `ReactNode` represents everything that can be rendered.
@see{@link React TypeScript Cheatsheet}@example```tsx // Typing children type Props = { children: ReactNode } const Component = ({ children }: Props) => <div>{children}</div> <Component>hello</Component> ```@example```tsx // Typing a custom element type Props = { customElement: ReactNode } const Component = ({ customElement }: Props) => <div>{customElement}</div> <Component customElement={<div>hello</div>} /> ```
} function function Example({ children }: ExampleProps): React.JSX.ElementExample({ children: React.ReactNodechildren }: ExampleProps) { return <JSX.IntrinsicElements.div: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>div React.DOMAttributes<HTMLDivElement>.children?: React.ReactNodechildren={children: React.ReactNodechildren} />; // - Children should always be actual children, not passed in as a prop. }


import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.children: React.ReactNodechildren: React.type React.ReactNode = string | number | boolean | React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>> | Iterable<React.ReactNode> | React.ReactPortal | null | undefined
Represents all of the things React can render. Where {@link ReactElement } only represents JSX, `ReactNode` represents everything that can be rendered.
@see{@link React TypeScript Cheatsheet}@example```tsx // Typing children type Props = { children: ReactNode } const Component = ({ children }: Props) => <div>{children}</div> <Component>hello</Component> ```@example```tsx // Typing a custom element type Props = { customElement: ReactNode } const Component = ({ customElement }: Props) => <div>{customElement}</div> <Component customElement={<div>hello</div>} /> ```
} function function Example({ children }: ExampleProps): React.JSX.ElementExample({ children: React.ReactNodechildren }: ExampleProps) { return <JSX.IntrinsicElements.div: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>div>{children: React.ReactNodechildren}</JSX.IntrinsicElements.div: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>div>; }