

Rule category


What it does

Prevents usage of referential-type values as default props in object destructuring.

Why is this bad?

When using object destructuring syntax you can set the default value for a given property if it does not exist. If you set the default value to one of the values that is compared by identity, then each time the destructuring is evaluated, the JS engine will create a new, distinct value in the destructured variable.

This harms performance as it means that React will have to re-evaluate hooks and re-render memoized components more often than necessary.

To fix the violations, the easiest way is to use a referencing variable in module scope instead of using the literal values.



import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: string[]items: string[];
function function Example({ items }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ items: string[]items = [] }: ExampleProps) {
  //                       - found a/an 'Array literal' as default prop. This could lead to potential infinite render loop in React. Use a variable instead of 'Array literal'.
  return null;
import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: Record<string, string>items: type Record<K extends string | number | symbol, T> = { [P in K]: T; }
Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T
<string, string>;
} function function Example({ items }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ items: Record<string, string>items = {} }: ExampleProps) { // - found a/an 'Object literal' as default prop. This could lead to potential infinite render loop in React. Use a variable instead of 'Object literal'. return null; }
import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.onClick: () => voidonClick: () => void;
function function Example({ onClick }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ onClick: () => voidonClick = () => {} }: ExampleProps) {
  //                         - found a/an 'arrow function expression' as default prop. This could lead to potential infinite render loop in React. Use a variable instead of 'arrow function expression'.
  return null;
import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: string[]items: string[];
function function Example(props: ExampleProps): nullExample(props: ExamplePropsprops: ExampleProps) {
  const { const items: string[]items = [] } = props: ExamplePropsprops;
  //              - found a/an 'Array literal' as default prop. This could lead to potential infinite render loop in React. Use a variable instead of 'Array literal'.
  return null;


import React from "react";
const const emptyArray: string[]emptyArray: string[] = [];
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: string[]items: string[];
function function Example({ items }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ items: string[]items = const emptyArray: string[]emptyArray }: ExampleProps) {
  return null;
import React from "react";
const const emptyObject: {}emptyObject = {};
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: Record<string, string>items: type Record<K extends string | number | symbol, T> = { [P in K]: T; }
Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T
<string, string>;
} function function Example({ items }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ items: Record<string, string>items = const emptyObject: {}emptyObject }: ExampleProps) { return null; }
import React from "react";
const const noop: () => voidnoop = () => {};
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.onClick: () => voidonClick: () => void;
function function Example({ onClick }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ onClick: () => voidonClick = const noop: () => voidnoop }: ExampleProps) {
  return null;
import React from "react";
const const emptyArray: string[]emptyArray: string[] = [];
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.items: string[]items: string[];
function function Example(props: ExampleProps): nullExample(props: ExamplePropsprops: ExampleProps) {
  const { const items: string[]items = const emptyArray: string[]emptyArray } = props: ExamplePropsprops;
  return null;
import React from "react";
interface ExampleProps {
  ExampleProps.num: numbernum: number;
  ExampleProps.str: stringstr: string;
  ExampleProps.bool: booleanbool: boolean;
function function Example({ num, str, bool }: ExampleProps): nullExample({ num: numbernum = 3, str: stringstr = "foo", bool: booleanbool = true }: ExampleProps) {
Primitives are all compared by value, so are safe to be inlined
return null; }