Advanced Configuration (WIP)
This page contains experimental features that still under development. The content may change without notice.
import eslintReact from "@eslint-react/eslint-plugin";
export default [
// ...
files: ["**/*.{ts,tsx}"],
settings: {
"react-x": {
version: "19.0.0",
importSource: "react",
additionalHooks: {
useEffect: ["useIsomorphicLayoutEffect"],
useLayoutEffect: ["useIsomorphicLayoutEffect"],
additionalComponents: [
// Match all components with `html` attribute and alias it to `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`
name: "*",
attributes: [
{ name: "html", as: "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" },
// Match all components with `component="button"` attribute and alias it to `button` component with `type="button"` attribute
name: "*",
selector: ":has(JSXAttribute['component'][value.value='button'])",
as: "button",
attributes: [
{ name: "type", defaultValue: "button" },
// Match Button component with `component="a"` attribute and alias it to `a` component with `rel="noopener noreferrer"` attribute
name: "Button",
selector: ":has(JSXAttribute['component'][value.value='a'])",
as: "a",
attributes: [
{ name: "rel", defaultValue: "noopener noreferrer" },
// Match MUIButton component with a `href` or `to` attribute and alias it to `a` component with `rel="noopener noreferrer"` attribute
name: "MUIButton",
selector: ":matches(:has(JSXAttribute['href']), :has(JSXAttribute['to']))",
as: "a",
attributes: [
{ name: "rel", defaultValue: "noopener noreferrer" },
// Match TextInput component with `mode="uncontrolled"` attribute and alias it to an uncontrolled input component with `content` and `onContentUpdate` pair
name: "TextInput",
selector: ":has(JSXAttribute['mode'][value.value='uncontrolled'])",
as: "input",
attributes: [
{ name: "content", as: "value", controlled: false },
{ name: "onContentUpdate", as: "onChange" },